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Version: 4.x

Type Alias: CameraControlsOptions

CameraControlsOptions: object

Type declaration


optional changeCameraPositionOnDoubleClick: boolean

Enables or disables change of camera position on mouse double click. New target is then set to the point of the model under current cursor position and the a camera position is set half way to this point

Default is false.


optional changeCameraTargetOnClick: boolean

Enables or disables change of camera target on mouse click. New target is then set to the point of the model under current cursor position.

Default is false.


optional mouseWheelAction: "zoomToTarget" | "zoomPastCursor" | "zoomToCursor"

Sets mouse wheel initiated action.


'zoomToTarget' - zooms just to the current target (center of the screen) of the camera.

'zoomPastCursor' - zooms in the direction of the ray coming from camera through cursor screen position, allows going through objects.

'zoomToCursor' - mouse wheel scroll zooms towards the point on the model where cursor is hovering over, doesn't allow going through objects.

Default is 'zoomPastCursor'.

Defined in
