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Version: 4.x

This document is an overview of some important differences between Reveal 3.x and Reveal 4.x.

Entrypoint and import paths

For Reveal 4 we changed into using a single entry point for everything: @cognite/reveal. So extensions and tools also should be imported from this entry point. We have however also added support for node's module exports such that if your tsconfig is setup with:

"moduleResolution": "Node16",

imports will still work the same way they did with Reveal 3.x. Note that this may require a bump in typescript version. If this is not possible for you, then you need to change all imports to be from @cognite/reveal.

Using Reveal 3 or Reveal 4 with "moduleResolution": "Node16" the import path of the Axis Cross Tool is:

import { AxisViewTool } from '@cognite/reveal/tools';
const axisViewTool = new AxisViewTool(...);

if you use Reveal 4 without the Node16 module resolution, the import should look like this:

import { AxisViewTool } from '@cognite/reveal';
const axisViewTool = new AxisViewTool(...);

connect-src data: is now a required content-security-policy

See Installation for updated content security policies needed for Reveal. Note that this is only relevant if you have a content-security-policy set up.

Three.js is now a peer-dependency

For Reveal 4 we have changed threejs from being exported from Reveal and rather require applications that consume Reveal to import it. There are multiple reasons for this, but a major pain point has been that Reveal does not expose the three.js examples in its export, causing applications to have to install threejs anyway. In addition, we also see a lot of applications ending up having multiple bundles of three.js which we are trying to alliviate.

Cognite3DViewer.setBackgroundColor now has optional alpha parameter

The setBackgroundColor now supports settings alpha value. This becomes relevant when you want your 3D content to blend with your website.

Cognite3DModel has been renamed to CogniteCadModel

Renamed for clarity, as technically a point cloud can also be viewed as a 3D model.

Cognite3DViewer.getIntersectionFromPixel options parameter has been removed

Reveal currently uses GPU driven picking for point clouds, so the previously used options are not applicable anymore.

DefaultCameraManager no longer exposes its internal ComboControls implementation

Methods for settings and getting options has been added to support dynamically updating the state.

CogniteCadModel and PointCloudModel no longer inherit from the three.js Object3D base class

This prevents usages that Reveal does not handle such as reparenting and other mutable operations on the three.js object. Methods such as setting the transformation or visibility are available

contiuousModelStreaming option has been promoted to opt-out

This means that CAD models will now stream continuously (vs. just when camera stops moving) by default. This can be reverted by setting the contiuousModelStreaming option to false when initializing the Cognite3DViewer.

Styling types use THREE.Color instead of RGB tuples

The NodeAppearance and PointCloudAppearance objects now use THREE.Color from the threejs library for storing colors. This means that e.g. a style that was previously created by writing

const style = { color: [0, 255, 0] };

must now be created by writing

// import * as THREE from 'three';
const style = { color: new THREE.Color(0, 1.0, 0) };

CognitePointCloudModel's getClasses method now returns more data

Previously, a call to pointCloudModel.getClasses() (where pointCloudModel is an instance of CognitePointCloudModel) would return the available classification codes as a list of numbers. It now returns structs of type { code: number, name: string }, where code corresponds to the previously returned classification code, and name is a human-readable name of the class.

Two major changes are now required for CameraManagers. The first change is adding a cameraStop which Reveal will use to control when geometry should be loaded and other performance intensive computations. The second is adding a activate / deactivate method to handle transitioning to and from other CameraManagers and lets each implementation decide what this functionality should look like.

CameraManager implementations must now allow listeners for the 'cameraStop' event, in addition to the old 'cameraChange' event. This is to allow CameraManager implementors the flexibility of deciding when the camera manager is standing still. The event must be emitted in order to trigger loading of model data if continuousStreaming is set to false.

In order to make this transition easy, we expose the DebouncedCameraStopEventTrigger class, which will fire a stop event when the camera manager's 'cameraChange' has not triggered for a short while.

To use this class, construct it in the custom camera manager's constructor:

this._stopEventTrigger = new DebouncedCameraStopEventTrigger(this);

Note that it takes the custom camera manager itself as argument. It will immediately subscribe to the cameraChange event on this camera manager, so make sure any prerequisite initialization is finished before constructing it.

Then, implement a new on(eventType, callback) method, for instance:

on(eventType: CameraManagerEventType, callback: CameraEventDelegate): void {
switch(eventType) {
case 'cameraChange':
// handle adding camera change callback as before
case 'cameraStop':
this._stopEventTrigger.subscribe(callback as CameraStopDelegate);
throw Error(`Unrecognized camera event type: ${event}`);

The off(eventType, callback) implementation may have a similar structure, but calling unsubscribe on the trigger object instead of subscribe.

Finally, call this._stopEventTrigger.dispose() in the camera manager's dispose() method to clean up resources after use.

get/setModelTransformation are now relative to to the initial CDF-to-ThreeJS transform

In earlier versions of Reveal, the model.getModelTransformation() method (model being an instance of CogniteCadModel or CognitePointCloudModel) would return the entire model transformation from CDF geometry coordinates to the model's current transform in threejs-space. It will now only return the custom transformation applied after the initial transform from CDF space to threejs/Reveal space. Thus, it will only return what was last set by model.setModelTransformation(), and the identity transformation if no transformation has been set.

We now also provide model.getCdfToDefaultModelTransformation() that returns the matrix transformation from CDF coordinates to Reveal/threejs space. It may include an additional default transformation specified for this model in the backend.

Thus, to get the full transformation from CDF coordinates to the model's transform in Reveal space, you would use something akin to

const totalTransform = model.getModelTransformation().clone().multiply(model.getCdfToDefaultModelTransformation());

This is useful when combining visualization of a model with other 3D data extracted directly from CDF outside Reveal.

Removed several CDF/model transformation methods

The methods mapFromCdfToModelCoordinates, mapPositionFromModelToCdfCoordinates, mapBoxFromCdfToModelCoordinates, mapBoxFromModelToCdfCoordinates have been removed from CogniteCadModel.

The *FromCdfToModelCoordinates can be emulated by constructing the transformation matrix with

const cdfTransformation = model.getModelTransformation().clone().multiply(model.getCdfToDefaultModelTransformation());

as was mentioned above. It can then be used in either position.applyMatrix4(cdfTransformation) or box.applyMatrix4(cdfTransformation) respectively.

The *FromModelToCdfCoordinates can likewise be emulated using the matrix

const inverseCdfTransformation = model.getModelTransformation().clone().multiply(model.getCdfToDefaultModelTransformation()).invert();

and using it with applyMatrix4() as above.

Potree prefix removed

In Reveal 4, several symbols has Potree-prefix which now has been replaced. This includes:

  • PotreePointColorType is now called PointColorType
  • PotreePointShape is now called PointShape
  • PotreePointSizeType is now called PointSizeType
  • PotreeClassification is now called PointClassification

The above changes are simple renames and migrating these should be very easy.

Removed methods on Cognite3DViewer

  • getScene()
  • renderer
  • isBrowserSupported
  • getCamera(), can be fetched with cameraManager.getCamera()

Removed tools due to low / no usage

  • Geomap tool
  • Exploded view tool