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Version: 4.x

Type Alias: HtmlOverlayToolClusteringOptions

HtmlOverlayToolClusteringOptions: object

Controls how close overlay elements are clustered together.

Type declaration


createClusterElementCallback: HtmlOverlayCreateClusterDelegate

Callback that is triggered when a set of overlays are clustered together to create a "composite" element as a placeholder for the clustered elements. Note that this callback will be triggered every frame for each cluster so it must be performant.


mode: "overlapInScreenSpace"

Currently only 'overlapInScreenSpace' is supported. In this mode, overlays are clustered together into a single element as defined by the HtmlOverlayToolClusteringOptions.createClusterElementCallback and hidden when they overlap in screen space. The composite element is placed at the midpoint of all clustered elements.

Clustered elements are faded in/out using CSS styling transition, opacity and visibility.

Defined in
