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Version: 4.x

Use a custom data source

Reveal is designed to retrieve data from Cognite Data Fusion (CDF). In certain scenarios it might be useful to customize how Reveal retrieves data, to e.g.:

  • Introduce application specific caching to reduce network traffic
  • Improve responsiveness in areas with limited connectivity
  • Introduce extra logging of network activity related to 3D
  • Store models locally

Note that certain features relies on connectivity to CDF and won't work without a connection.


To implement a custom data source, DataSource from @cognite/reveal/extensions/datasource must be implemented and provided to Cognite3DViewer on construction using the customDataSource-option, which in turn provides instances of three interfaces:

ModelMetadataProviderProvides access to metadata about models, including "base URL", camera information and model transformation.
ModelDataProviderAccess to geometry files and JSON description files for 3D models given URLs.
NodesApiClientProvides access to metadata about 3D nodes, such as bounding box and ancestors.

Some of the interface functions are required, some are optional at the cost of reduced functionality in Reveal. See details below.


ModelMetadataProvider is responsible for determining the "base URL" for a model, determine the "model transformation" and the default camera.

Implementations can assume that all identifiers will be of type CdfModelIdentifier:

class CdfModelIdentifier implements ModelIdentifier {
readonly revealInternalId: symbol;
readonly modelFormat: File3dFormat;
readonly modelId: number; // CDF ModelID
readonly revisionId: number; // CDF RevisionID
getModelUri()YesDetermine the base URL that will be used when download metadata and geometry using ModelDataProvider.
getModelCamera()No - return undefined to use defaultReturn an initial camera pose for the model
getModelMatrix()Yes, but value can be hardcoded.Returns an transformation matrix for transforming from stored coordinates to Reveal coordinates (see below)
getModelOutputs()YesReturns an object describing the set of valid formats and version for the given model

getModelUri() returns a "base URL" that will be passed to ModelDataProvider.getBinaryFile() and getJsonFile(). Note that it's up to ModelDataProvider how this base URL is handled and it is possible to use this base URL as some other identifier, e.g. a folder on disk or ID of a blob storage. getModelUri() accepts BlobOutputMetadata as input which defines the format, version, and if applicable, the "blob id" of the output.

getModelMatrix() is responsible for converting from stored geometry coordinates to Reveal coordinates (right-handed, Y up). This is required for models stored in different orientation in CDF. For CAD models, most models are stored in a right-handed Z up coordinate system, and will need a transformation. By default, this transformation can be expressed as:

Default CAD to Reveal orientation matrix

This corresponds to a 180 degree rotation around the X axis:

new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0));

For point clouds, models are usually stored right-handed Y up and requires no transformation. In this case, the identity matrix should be returned instead:

new THREE.Matrix4().identity();

In addition to the model identifier, the methods can accept the format of the output which describes which output format that is used for the given model/revision.

getModelOutputs() returns a list of supported outputs for a given model/revision. The BlobOutputMetadata type includes the format, version, and if applicable, the "blob id" of the model.

Example implementation

This simple implementation provides metadata for models stored locally and provides default camera and model transformation.

Notice that each of the functions asserts that the identifier is a CdfModelIdentifier. Currently, this should always be true.

import { 
} from '@cognite/reveal';

class MyModelMetaDataProvider implements ModelMetaDataProvider {
getModelUri(identifier: ModelIdentifier, formatMetadata: BlobOutputMetadata): Promise<string> {
if (!(identifier instanceof CdfModelIdentifier)) {
throw new Error('Unexpected identifier');
// Base URL of where geometry files are stored
// This will be passed to ModelDataProvider.getJsonFile() and getBinaryFile()
return Promise.resolve(`https://localhost/models/${identifier.modelId}/revision/${identifier.revisionId}`);

getModelCamera(identifier: ModelIdentifier): Promise< { position: THREE.Vector3; target: THREE.Vector3 } | undefined> {
if (!(identifier instanceof CdfModelIdentifier)) {
throw new Error('Unexpected identifier');
// Use default camera
return Promise.resolve(undefined);

getModelMatrix(identifier: ModelIdentifier, format: File3dFormat | string): Promise<THREE.Matrix4> {
if (!(identifier instanceof CdfModelIdentifier)) {
throw new Error('Unexpected identifier');
// CAD models are usually stored in Z-up, while Reveal uses Y-up, so
// we need to account for this
const cadModelToReveal = new THREE.Matrix4().makeRotationFromEuler(new THREE.Euler(-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0));
return Promise.resolve(cadModelToReveal);

getModelOutputs(modelIdentifier: ModelIdentifier): Promise<BlobOutputMetadata[]> {
// Indicates that the supported output for this model is of type File3dFormat.RevealCadModel and version 8

// BlobId refers to a remote identifier for a blob storage, but since this simply fetches
// the model locally, it can be set to -1
return Promise.resolve([
blobId: -1,
format: File3dFormat.RevealCadModel,
version: 8


ModelDataProvider is responsible for receiving files by URL.

getBinaryFile()YesRetrieves a binary blob. Used to download CAD geometry and point clouds
getJsonFile()YesRetrieves JSON data. This is used to retrieve metadata about models

Example implementation

The following example simply downloads files using fetch(). Note that it's up to the implementation to decide how to retrieve data, and that data doesn't necessarily need to be downloaded over HTTP.

import { ModelDataProvider } from '@cognite/reveal';

class MyModelDataProvider implements ModelDataProvider {
async getJsonFile(baseUrl: string, fileName: string): Promise<any> {
const url = `${baseUrl}/${fileName}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Could not fetch '${url}'`);
return response.json();

async getBinaryFile(baseUrl: string, fileName: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
const url = `${baseUrl}/${fileName}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Could not fetch '${url}'`);
return response.arrayBuffer();


The API client is responsible for providing metadata about 3D CAD nodes, including node bounding boxes and parent/child relationships between nodes.

Function/FieldRequired by
(in CogniteCadModel)
mapTreeIndicesToNodeIds()mapTreeIndexToNodeId(), mapTreeIndicesToNodeIds(), getBoundingBoxByTreeIndex()Maps from Reveal tree indices to CDF node IDs used to identify nodes in CDF
mapNodeIdsToTreeIndices()No, but recommended to have a 1:1 mappingReverse mapping of mapTreeIndicesToNodeIds()
determineTreeIndexAndSubtreeSizesByNodeIds()NoDetermines the "span" of a node identified by a CDF node ID (i.e. the tree index and how many descendants it has including the node itself).
determineNodeAncestorsByNodeId()NoFind "ancestor span" of a node identified by the CDF node ID. Returns data on same format as function above.
getBoundingBoxesByNodeIds()NoDetermines the individual bounds of each node, specified by their CDF node IDs.

Example implementation

class MyNodesApiClient implements NodesApiClient {
mapTreeIndicesToNodeIds(modelId: number, revisionId: number, treeIndices: number[]): Promise<number[]> {
// Map 1:1 - pretend treeIndices == nodeIds
return Promise.resolve(treeIndices);
mapNodeIdsToTreeIndices(modelId: number, revisionId: number, nodeIds: number[]): Promise<number[]> {
// Map 1:1 - pretend treeIndices == nodeIds
return Promise.resolve(nodeIds);
determineTreeIndexAndSubtreeSizesByNodeIds(modelId: number, revisionId: number, nodeIds: number[]): Promise<{treeIndex: number; subtreeSize: number }[]> {
throw new Error('Not supported.');
determineNodeAncestorsByNodeId(modelId: number, revisionId: number, nodeId: number, generation: number): Promise<{treeIndex: number; subtreeSize: number }> {
throw new Error('Not supported.');
getBoundingBoxesByNodeIds(modelId: number, revisionId: number, nodeIds: number[]): Promise<THREE.Box3[]> {
throw new Error('Not supported.');

Unsupported features

There's a few features that is not backed by the DataSource-API and hence won't be affected by the implementation. The most notable feature is the CAD styling API which in large is backed by CogniteClient. To use the styling API with custom data sources, you will need to create custom node collections or use TreeIndexNodeCollection.

Currently there are restrictions in the the API for saving viewer state causing Cognite3DViewer.setViewState not to work with a custom DataSource. This might change in the future.