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Variable: DefaultNodeAppearance

const DefaultNodeAppearance: object

A set of default node appearances used in Reveal.

Type declaration


Default: NodeAppearance = DefaultAppearance


Ghosted: NodeAppearance = GhostedAppearance


Hidden: NodeAppearance = HiddenAppearance


Highlighted: object


readonly optional color: Color

Overrides the default color of the node in RGB. Black, or new Color(0, 0, 0) means no override.


readonly optional outlineColor: NodeOutlineColor

When set, an outline is drawn around the node to make it stand out.


readonly optional prioritizedForLoadingHint: number

When provided, this value can be used to prioritize certain areas of the 3D model to be loaded. This can be useful to prioritize key objects in the 3D model to always be loaded.

When non-zero, sectors containing geometry in the vicinity of the prioritized sectors are given an extra priority. Recommended values are in range 1 (somewhat higher priority to be loaded) to 10 (very likely to be loaded). Usually values around 4-5 is recommended.

Prioritized nodes are loaded at the expense of non-prioritized areas. There are no guarantees that the nodes are actually loaded, and the more prioritized areas/nodes provided, the less likely it is that the hint is obeyed.

Extra priority doesn't accumulate when sectors are prioritized because they intersect/contain several nodes.

This is an advanced feature and not recommended for most users


Only works with 3D models converted later than Q4 2021.


readonly optional renderGhosted: boolean

When set to true, the node is rendered ghosted, i.e. transparent with a fixed color. This has no effect if NodeAppearance.renderInFront is true.


readonly optional renderInFront: boolean

When set to true, the node is rendered in front of all other nodes even if it's occluded. Note that this take precedence over NodeAppearance.renderGhosted.


readonly optional visible: boolean

Overrides the visibility of the node.


InFront: NodeAppearance = InFrontAppearance


Outlined: NodeAppearance = OutlinedAppearance

Defined in
