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Interface EventFilter




Optional activeAtTime

activeAtTime: DateRange

Event is considered active from its startTime to endTime inclusive. If startTime is null, event is never active. If endTime is null, event is active from startTime onwards. activeAtTime filter will match all events that are active at some point from min to max, from min, or to max, depending on which of min and max parameters are specified.

Optional assetExternalIds

assetExternalIds: CogniteExternalId[]

Asset External IDs of related equipment that this event relates to.

Optional assetIds

assetIds: CogniteInternalId[]

Asset IDs of related equipment that this event relates to.

Optional assetSubtreeIds

assetSubtreeIds: IdEither[]

Only include events that have a related asset in a subtree rooted at any of these assetIds. If the total size of the given subtrees exceeds 100,000 assets, an error will be returned.

Optional createdTime

createdTime: DateRange

Optional dataSetIds

dataSetIds: IdEither[]

Only include events that reference these specific dataSet IDs

Optional endTime

Date range for event end time. To filter ongoing events {isNull: true} should be provided instead of Date range

Optional externalIdPrefix

externalIdPrefix: ExternalIdPrefix

Optional lastUpdatedTime

lastUpdatedTime: DateRange

Optional metadata

metadata: Metadata

Optional source

source: undefined | string

Filter by event source

Optional startTime

startTime: DateRange

Optional subtype

subtype: undefined | string

Filter by event subtype

Optional type

type: undefined | string

Filter by event type