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Version: 3.x

Custom CameraManager

By default Cognite3DViewer uses DefaultCameraManager class to manage user interaction with the camera. In certain cases it can be useful to customize behaviour of the camera:

  • Need to provide custom THREE.PerspectiveCamera object to Cognite3DViewer
  • Need to extend camera controls to any specific case that is not covered by current implementation


To create a custom camera manager class, CameraManager interface from @cognite/reveal must be implemented and provided to Cognite3DViewer on construction using the cameraManager-option. You can also set camera manager in runtime by calling setCameraManager method of Cognite3DViewer class. Interface looks like this:

export interface CameraManager {
* Returns the camera used for rendering in {@link Cognite3DViewer}.
* Note that the camera will not be modified directly by Reveal.
* Implementations must trigger the `cameraChange`-event whenever the
* camera changes.
getCamera(): THREE.PerspectiveCamera;
* Set camera's state. Rotation and target can't be set at the same time. as they could conflict,
* should throw an error if both are passed with non-zero value inside state.
* @param state Camera state, all fields are optional.
* @param state.position Camera position in world space.
* @param Camera target in world space.
* @param state.rotation Camera local rotation in quaternion form.
* @example
* ```js
* // store position, target
* const { position, target } = cameraManager.getCameraState();
* // restore position, target
* cameraManager.setCameraState({ position, target });
* ```
setCameraState(state: CameraState): void;

* Get camera's state
* @returns Camera state: position, target and rotation.
getCameraState(): Required<CameraState>;

* Subscribes to changes of the camera event. This is used by Reveal to react on changes of the camera.
* @param event Name of the event.
* @param callback Callback to be called when the event is fired.
on(event: 'cameraChange', callback: CameraChangedEvent): void;
* Unsubscribes from changes of the camera event.
* @param event Name of the event.
* @param callback Callback function to be unsubscribed.
off(event: 'cameraChange', callback: CameraChangedEvent): void;

* Moves camera to a place where the content of a bounding box is visible to the camera.
* @param box The bounding box in world space.
* @param duration The duration of the animation moving the camera.
* @param radiusFactor The ratio of the distance from camera to center of box and radius of the box.
fitCameraToBoundingBox(boundingBox: THREE.Box3, duration?: number, radiusFactor?: number): void;
* Updates internal state of camera manager. Expected to update visual state of the camera
* as well as it's near and far planes if needed. Called in `requestAnimationFrame`-loop.
* Reveal performance affects frequency with which this method is called.
* @param deltaTime Delta time since last update in seconds.
* @param boundingBox Global bounding box of the model(s) and any custom objects added to the scene.
update(deltaTime: number, boundingBox: THREE.Box3): void;
* @obvious
dispose(): void;

Main implementation specific functions are setCameraState, fitCameraToBoundingBox and update. Setting state shouldn't be possible when rotation and target are passed at the same time because they could conflict. When implementing these functions you can use a helper class CameraManagerHelper that contains some useful methods.

Example implementation

Here is an example implementation of a custom camera manager that utilizes standard ThreeJS OrbitControls for mouse movement:

import * as THREE from 'three'
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls';

import { CameraManager, CameraManagerHelper, CameraState, CameraChangeDelegate } from '@cognite/reveal';

export class CustomCameraManager implements CameraManager {
private _domElement: HTMLElement;
private _camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera;
private _controls: OrbitControls;
private readonly _cameraChangedListener: Array<CameraChangeDelegate> = [];

constructor(domElement: HTMLElement, camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera) {
this._domElement = domElement;
this._camera = camera;
this._controls = new OrbitControls(this._camera, domElement);
this._controls.enableDamping = true;
this._controls.dampingFactor = 0.3;

this._controls.addEventListener('change', () => {
this._cameraChangedListener.forEach( cb => cb(this._camera.position,;

set enabled(value: boolean) {
this._controls.enabled = value;

get enabled(): boolean {
return this._controls.enabled;

getCamera(): THREE.PerspectiveCamera {
return this._camera;

setCameraState(state: CameraState): void {
if (state.rotation && throw new Error("Can't set both rotation and target");
const position = state.position ?? this._camera.position;
const rotation = state.rotation ?? this._camera.quaternion;
const target = ?? ( state.rotation ?
this._camera, state.rotation, :;


getCameraState(): Required<CameraState> {
return {
position: this._camera.position.clone(),
rotation: this._camera.quaternion.clone(),

on(event: "cameraChange", callback: CameraChangeDelegate): void {

off(event: "cameraChange", callback: CameraChangeDelegate): void {
const index = this._cameraChangedListener.indexOf(callback);
if (index !== -1) {
this._cameraChangedListener.splice(index, 1);

fitCameraToBoundingBox(boundingBox: THREE.Box3, duration?: number, radiusFactor?: number): void {
const { position, target } = CameraManagerHelper.calculateCameraStateToFitBoundingBox(this._camera, boundingBox, radiusFactor);

this.setCameraState({ position, target });

update(deltaTime: number, boundingBox: THREE.Box3): void {
CameraManagerHelper.updateCameraNearAndFar(this._camera, boundingBox);

dispose(): void {

As you can see, implementation can be quite simple. There are three things that you should really pay extra attention to:

  1. 'cameraChange' event must be fired every time camera position or rotation changes to trigger redraw in Reveal.
  2. For the setCameraState method you should properly handle how change in rotation and target affects the camera and corresponds with the behaviour of camera controls (OrbitControls in this case). For calculating camera target from rotation you can use calculateNewTargetFromRotation method of CameraManagerHelper .
  3. Inside update method you should update near and far planes of the camera, which can be easily done using updateCameraNearAndFar method of CameraManagerHelper.