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Interface DatapointsQueryProperties




Optional aggregates

aggregates: Aggregate[]

The aggregates to be returned. Use default if null. An empty string must be sent to get raw data if the default is a set of aggregates.

Optional cursor

cursor: undefined | string

Optional end

end: string | Timestamp

Get datapoints up to this time. Same format as for start. Note that when using aggregates, the end will be rounded up such that the last aggregate represents a full aggregation interval containing the original end, where the interval is the granularity unit times the granularity multiplier. For granularity 2d, the aggregation interval is 2 days, if end was originally 3 days after the start, it will be rounded to 4 days after the start.

Optional granularity

granularity: undefined | string

The granularity size and granularity of the aggregates (2h)

Optional includeOutsidePoints

includeOutsidePoints: undefined | false | true

Whether to include the last datapoint before the requested time period,and the first one after the requested period. This can be useful for interpolating data. Not available for aggregates.

Optional limit

limit: undefined | number

Optional start

start: string | Timestamp

Get datapoints after this time. Format is N[timeunit]-ago where timeunit is w,d,h,m,s. Example: '2d-ago' will get everything that is up to 2 days old. Can also send in Date object. Note that when using aggregates, the start time will be rounded down to a whole granularity unit (in UTC timezone). For granularity 2d it will be rounded to 0:00 AM on the same day, for 3h it will be rounded to the start of the hour, etc.

Optional targetUnit

targetUnit: CogniteExternalId

The unit externalId of the data points returned. If the time series does not have a unitExternalId that can be converted to the targetUnit, an error will be returned. Cannot be used with targetUnitSystem.

Optional targetUnitSystem

targetUnitSystem: CogniteExternalId

The unit system of the data points returned. Cannot be used with targetUnit.

Optional timeZone

timeZone: undefined | string

Default: "UTC" Which time zone to align aggregates to. Omit to use top-level value.