Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents




This is the main service for managing and querying metadata and seismic traces from Cognite Data Fusion (CDF). [`Survey`](#com.cognite.seismic.v1.survey) and [`Partition`](#com.cognite.seismic.v1.partition) objects are primarily metadata-focused, and all seismic traces are queried via references to [`SeismicStore`](#com.cognite.seismic.v1.seismicstore) or [`Seismic`](#com.cognite.seismic.v1.seismic) objects.

Queries are divided into these broad categories:

- **Management**: Creating, editing and deleting Cognite Data Fusion objects, as well as managing the status of file uploading and processing.

- **Metadata**: Information about surveys, partitions, seismic objects, and headers.

- **Trace**: Retrieving traces or information about traces.

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
CreateSurvey CreateSurveyRequest Survey

Creates a Survey object in the data model. A Survey object represents a grouping of seismic data in the same area and normally shares acquisition and most processing parameters. Capabilities: Requires Seismic:WRITE capability to the CDF tenant.

SearchSurveys SearchSurveysRequest SearchSurveyResponse stream

Lists all surveys accessible to the client. You can also choose to receive a list of Seismic and SeismicStore object ids associated with the surveys. The returned surveys can also be limited to those that satisfy one or both of these criteria: - Coverage polygon of files in the survey are within an area delimited by a specified polygon. - Filters on metadata of both the survey and the file.

EditSurvey EditSurveyRequest Survey

Modifies the metadata for a survey. The survey crs and grid transformation can only be modified if there are no ingested seismic stores in the survey.

DeleteSurvey DeleteSurveyRequest DeleteSurveyResponse

Deletes a specified survey. Must have Seismic:ALL scope and Write capability.

RegisterSourceSegyFile RegisterSourceSegyFileRequest RegisterSourceSegyFileResponse

Registers a new file in a (previously registered) survey as source for ingestion.

EditSourceSegyFile EditSourceSegyFileRequest EditSourceSegyFileResponse

Edits a registered source file. Before editing, there must be no ingestion jobs running for the source file. The SeismicStore associated with the source file must also be deleted if it was successfully created. This request will fail if the above criteira aren't met.

UnregisterSourceSegyFile UnregisterSourceSegyFileRequest UnregisterSourceSegyFileResponse

Unregisters a file previously registered as the source for ingestion. Before unregistering, there must be no ingestion jobs running for the source file. The SeismicStore associated with the source file must also be deleted if it was successfully created. This request will fail if the above criteira aren't met.

IngestSourceSegyFile IngestSourceSegyFileRequest IngestSourceSegyFileResponse

Requests queueing of a registered file for ingestion.

CreateSeismic CreateSeismicRequest Seismic

Creates new Seismics and assign them to partitions. Seismic objects are mostly immutable aside from their name and metadata. A Seismic object must be deleted and recreated in order to change properties such as the cutout or the source seismic store.

SearchSeismics SearchSeismicsRequest Seismic stream

Returns metadata for a Seismic object. Can optionally retrieve seismic store & partition info if user has appropriate scope and capability.

EditSeismic EditSeismicRequest Seismic

Edits the specified seismic. Seismic object names and metadata can be changed. Other properties such as the cutout, owning partition, or source seismic store can't be changed. The seismic object must be deleted and recreated in order to modify these immutable properties.

DeleteSeismic DeleteSeismicRequest DeleteSeismicResponse

Deletes seismic objects.

SearchSeismicStores SearchSeismicStoresRequest SeismicStore stream

Searches and retrieves seismic stores. Can only retrieve seismic stores you own.

InspectIngestion InspectIngestionRequest InspectIngestionResponse

Inspects the seismicstore resulting from a possibly failed ingestion. Useful for debugging failed ingestions.

EditSeismicStore EditSeismicStoreRequest SeismicStore

Sets the name or metadata of a seismic store object.

DeleteSeismicStore DeleteSeismicStoreRequest DeleteSeismicStoreResponse

Deletes a seismic store. If any seismic objects still reference the specified seismic store, the request will fail.

CreatePartition CreatePartitionRequest Partition

Creates a data partition, optionally setting a name.

SearchPartitions SearchPartitionsRequest Partition stream

Returns the specified partitions, with the same search options as the other search endpoints.

EditPartition EditPartitionRequest Partition

Edits partitions. The only modifiable field is the name.

DeletePartition DeletePartitionRequest DeletePartitionResponse

Deletes the specified partition and returns a response if it was successfully deleted.

GetVolume VolumeRequest .com.cognite.seismic.Trace stream

Requests a volume of traces by range of inlines, crosslines, and time. **Deprecated** - use StreamTraces instead.

GetVolumeBounds VolumeRequest VolumeBoundsResponse

Return information about what a GetVolume request would return, including bounding boxes of trace header values, and estimated total size. **Deprecated** - use `GetTraceBounds` instead.

StreamTraces StreamTracesRequest .com.cognite.seismic.Trace stream

Requests a set of seismic traces by ranges of trace headers, such as inline, crossline (for 3d), cdp, or shotpoint (for 2d). Can also filter by geometry, and select a subset of depth indices. See StreamTracesRequest for more information.

GetTraceBounds StreamTracesRequest TraceBounds

Returns information about what a StreamTraces request would return, including bounding boxes of trace header values, and estimated total size.

GetSegYFile SegYSeismicRequest SegYSeismicResponse stream

Fetches seismic data in SEG-Y format. Each response in the stream contains a byte array that must be written, in order, to a file-like object to produce a valid SEG-Y file. The ordering of traces in the resulting SEG-Y file is undefined. The request object can be used to specify whether the file should contain the whole set of traces in the source dataset or a subset of the traces (for example, a cropped file). See [`SegYSeismicRequest`](#segyseismicrequest) for more information. Returns a stream of `SegYSeismicResponse` objects, each containing a fragment of a SEG-Y data stream.

SearchFiles SearchFilesRequest SourceSegyFile stream

Retrieves File objects describing the seismic files registered with the tenant. Search criteria can be specified in the SearchFilesRequest, restricting the data retrieved to a subset of the files in the tenant. See SearchFilesRequest for more information. Returns a stream of file objects, terminating once all files matching the search criteria have been returned.

SearchJobStatus SearchJobStatusRequest JobStatusResponse stream

Retrieves ingestion job statuses, filtered by the specified criteria.



Messages that describe requests/responses from the Seismic Datastore in Cognite Data Fusion


name string

[optional] A short description for the partition.

external_id string

[required] The unique external identifier for the partition.


name string

[optional] A short description for the seismic

external_id string

[required] An externally correlatable unique identifier for the seismic

partition Identifier

[required] The owning partition

seismic_store_id int64

volume_def VolumeDef

Deprecated**: Defines the volume as VolumeDef format. Use `two_dee_extent` or `three_dee_extent`.

geometry com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

Defines the volume as WKT or GeoJson

empty bool

Will create a seismic with an empty cutout if true

two_dee_extent Seismic2dExtent

Defines the volume as an extent. Only valid if the seismic is 2D

three_dee_extent Seismic3dExtent

Defines the volume as an extent. Only valid if the seismic is 3D

metadata OptionalMap

[optional] Metadata to associate with the seismic.

text_header TextHeader

[optional] A custom text header for the seismic.

binary_header BinaryHeader

[optional] A custom binary header for the seismic.

copy_metadata bool

If true, copy the metadata from the source seismic store.

trace_group_extent SeismicTraceGroupExtent

Valid if the seismic is 2D or 3D


name string

[required] Short descriptive name

metadata CreateSurveyRequest.MetadataEntry repeated

[required] Key-value pairs of metadata for the survey.

external_id com.cognite.seismic.ExternalId

[required] Identifier for correlation with systems outside CDF

crs string

[required] CRS used by all members of the survey

grid_transformation com.cognite.seismic.SurveyGridTransformation

[optional] Specifies a grid transformation to use, overriding the defaults.

custom_coverage com.cognite.seismic.CustomSurveyCoverage

[optional] Specifies a coverage to serve as the survey coverage, overriding calculated coverage.


key string

value string


partition Identifier

[required] The partition to delete.


success bool


seismic Identifier


succeeded bool


seismic_store Identifier

[required] The seismic store to delete.


succeeded bool


survey Identifier

The survey to delete.


success bool


partition Identifier

[required] The unique identifier for the partition to be edited.

new_name string

[required] The new name.


seismic Identifier

name google.protobuf.StringValue

metadata OptionalMap

text_header TextHeader

Replaces the existing text header, if specified

binary_header BinaryHeader

Replaces the existing binary header, if specified


seismic_store_id int64

Deprecated**. Use `identifier` instead.

name google.protobuf.StringValue

[optional] The new seismic store name.

metadata OptionalMap

[optional] The new seismic store metadata. If set, this will replace the existing metadata.

seismic_store Identifier

[required] The seismic store to edit.

external_id google.protobuf.StringValue

[optional] The new external id. Will fail if the new external id is not unique.


file Identifier

[required] The registered source file to edit

path google.protobuf.StringValue

[optional] Path including protocol, bucket, directory structure, and file name. Example: "gs://cognite-seismic-eu/samples/DN1302M03R16_MERGED_KPSDM_00-32_DEG_T.sgy"

external_id com.cognite.seismic.ExternalId

[optional] An external identifier - matches service contract field

metadata EditSourceSegyFileRequest.MetadataEntry repeated

[optional] Any custom-defined metadata

crs com.cognite.seismic.CRS

[optional] Official name of the CRS used. Example: "EPSG:23031"

segy_overrides SegyOverrides

[optional] Overrides for the source file

key_fields TraceHeaderField repeated

[optional] The trace header fields that will be used as keys for indexing

dimensions Dimensions

[optional] File data dimensionality, either 2D or 3D

seismic_data_type SeismicDataType

[required] The type of seismic data contained in this file. E.g., pre-stack vs. post-stack


key string

value string


file SourceSegyFile

The result of the edit.


survey Identifier

metadata OptionalMap

[optional] The metadata to replace the existing metadata with.

external_id com.cognite.seismic.ExternalId

[optional] The new external id.

crs com.cognite.seismic.CRS

[optional] The new CRS for all members of the survey.

grid_transformation com.cognite.seismic.SurveyGridTransformation

[optional] The new custom grid transformation.

custom_coverage com.cognite.seismic.CustomSurveyCoverage

[optional] The new custom coverage.

new_name google.protobuf.StringValue

[optional] The new name of the survey.


geometry com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

[required] The geometry of the volume.

interpolation_method com.cognite.seismic.InterpolationMethod

[optional] If the geometry describes a line, must be specified.

z_range com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] The z-ranges to fetch. Defaults to the entire z-range.


file Identifier

[required] The file to queue for ingestion

target_storage_tier_name string

[required] Target storage tier for this file. A storage tier is a defined facility for storing the trace data associated with a seismic volume. [Accepted values] Accepted values are defined by the tenant configuration, and allow for optimizing tradeoffs between storage cost, retrieval performance, numeric precision and sampling. Note that currently only one storage tier per trace store is supported, so ingesting an already ingested file will result in the file's data being removed from the previously active storage tier.


job_id string


timestamp google.protobuf.Timestamp

The time this log was recorded.

log_line string

The contents of the log.


seismic_store_id int64

Specifies a seismic store by id.

file_id int64

Specifies a seismic store by source segy file id.

job_id string

Specifies a seismic store by job id.


seismic_store SeismicStore

The fetched seismic store.


job_id string

The job id for this status.

file_uuid string

The uuid of the file that this job is associated with.

status com.cognite.seismic.JobStatus

The status of the job.

started_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

When the job was started.

updated_at google.protobuf.Timestamp

When the job was last updated.

target_storage_tier_name google.protobuf.StringValue

The target storage tier of the job.

logs IngestionLog repeated

Logs recorded by the job.

file_id int64

The id of the file that this job is associated with.


survey Identifier

[required] The survey this source file belongs to

path string

[required] Path including protocol, bucket, directory structure, and file name. Example: "gs://cognite-seismic-eu/samples/DN1302M03R16_MERGED_KPSDM_00-32_DEG_T.sgy"

external_id com.cognite.seismic.ExternalId

[optional] An external identifier - matches service contract field

metadata RegisterSourceSegyFileRequest.MetadataEntry repeated

[optional] Any custom-defined metadata

crs com.cognite.seismic.CRS

[required] Official name of the CRS used. Example: "EPSG:23031"

segy_overrides SegyOverrides

[optional] Overrides for the source file

key_fields TraceHeaderField repeated

[optional] The trace header fields that will be used as keys for indexing

dimensions Dimensions

[required] File data dimensionality, either 2D or 3D

seismic_data_type SeismicDataType

[required] The type of seismic data contained in this file. E.g., pre-stack vs. post-stack


key string

value string


file SourceSegyFile


Used to search files by a given file/seismic-store/survey search specification

spec SearchSpec

Finds files by id, name or external id.

seismic_store SearchSpec

Finds files that are the source of the seismic stores specified by id, name, or external id.

survey SearchSpec

Finds files that are included in the surveys specified by id, name, or external id.

last_modified LastModifiedFilter

Finds files by their last modified time.


job_id string

The id of the job.

file_uuid string

The uuid of the file that a job is associated with.

file_id int64

The id of the file that a job is associated with.

status com.cognite.seismic.JobStatus

[optional] If specified, only returns jobs with the given status.

target_storage_tier_name google.protobuf.StringValue

[optional] If specified, only returns jobs with the given target storage tier.

started_before google.protobuf.Timestamp

[optional] If specified, only returns jobs that started before the timestamp.

started_after google.protobuf.Timestamp

[optional] If specified, only returns jobs that started after the timestamp.

updated_before google.protobuf.Timestamp

[optional] If specified, only returns jobs that were last updated before the timestamp.

updated_after google.protobuf.Timestamp

[optional] If specified, only returns jobs that were last updated after the timestamp.


partitions SearchSpec

Searches for partitions by id, name, or external id.

last_modified LastModifiedFilter

Searches for partitions by last modified time.


seismic_store SearchSpec

survey SearchSpec

file SearchSpec

last_modified LastModifiedFilter

Will return seismic stores by last modified.

include_file_info bool

[optional] Whether to include File information in the response. Defaults to false.

include_volume_definitions bool

Deprecated**: Whether to include inline/crossline volume definitions in the response. Use `include_extent` instead. Defaults to false.

include_extent bool

[optional] Whether to include a description of the traces contained in the seismicstore. Defaults to false.

extent_key TraceHeaderField

[optional] If specified: - for 2D headers, indicates which trace header the extent should be indexed by, or - for 3D headers, what the major direction should be. Leaving `extent_key` unspecified when `include_extent=true` means the server will choose a key header for each seismicstore. Any seismicstores not indexed by the given header will have its extent field left as null.

include_headers bool

[optional] Whether to include text and binary headers in the response. Defaults to false.

include_coverage bool

Deprecated**. Use `coverage` instead.

coverage CoverageSpec

[optional] If specified, includes coverage in the specified format and CRS.


survey SearchSpec

Searches for seismics which are included in the specified surveys.

seismic SearchSpec

Searches for seismics by their id, name or external id.

partition SearchSpec

Searches for seismics which are included in the specified partitions. Can only search on partitions you can see.

seismic_store SearchSpec

Searches for seismics by their seismic store. Requires ALL scope.

last_modified LastModifiedFilter

Searches for seismics by last modified

include_text_header bool

[optional] Whether to include the text header. Defaults to false.

include_binary_header bool

[optional] Whether to include the binary header. Defaults to false.

include_line_range bool

[optional] Whether to include the line range. Defaults to false.

include_volume_definition bool

Deprecated**. Whether to include the volume definition. Use `include_extent` instead. Defaults to false.

include_cutout bool

[optional] Whether to include the cutout specification the seismic was created with. Defaults to false.

include_extent bool

[optional] Whether to include a description of the included traces. Defaults to false.

extent_key TraceHeaderField

[optional] If specified, indicates which trace header the extent should be indexed by (if a 2d header), or which should be the major direction (if a 3d header). Leaving this unspecified with `include_extent=true` means the server chooses the native key header for each seismic. Any seismic not indexed by the given header will have its extent field left as null.

include_seismic_store bool

[optional] Whether to include info on the backing seismicstore. Requires ALL scope. Defaults to false.

include_partition bool

[optional] Whether to include info on the partition. Requires ALL scope. Defaults to false.

include_coverage bool

Deprecated**. Use `coverage` instead. Defaults to false.

coverage CoverageSpec

[optional] If specified, includes coverage as the specified CRS and format.


survey Survey

seismic_ids string repeated

[optional] The list of ids for seismics included in the survey.

seismic_store_ids string repeated

[optional] The list of ids for seismic stores included in the survey.

coverage com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

[optional] The coverage of the survey.

coverage_source SurveyCoverageSource

[optional] The source of the fetched coverage of the survey.


surveys SearchSpec repeated

[optional] Identifier of the survey(s) to fetch. If not specified, retrieves all accessible surveys.

list_seismic_ids bool

[optional] Whether to list the survey's seismics in the response (default: false)

list_seismic_store_ids bool

[optional] Whether to list the survey's seismic stores in the response. Requires ALL scope.

include_metadata bool

[optional] Whether to include survey metadata in the response (default: false)

include_coverage com.cognite.seismic.CoverageParameters

Deprecated**. Use `coverage` instead.

coverage CoverageSpec

[optional] If set, includes coverage in the responses in the specified format and CRS.

include_grid_transformation bool

[optional] Whether to include the manually specified grid transformation in the response (default: false)

include_custom_coverage bool

[optional] Whether to include the customer-provided survey coverage in the response.

coverage_source SurveyCoverageSource

[optional] If set, requests that a coverage geometry from a particular source is returned in the SearchSurveysResponse. If set, the `coverage` field must also be provided. Note that this is independent from the custom coverage returned as part of the survey. If `coverage_source` is unset but `coverage` is, the coverage geometry will use custom coverage if available and fall back to the calculated coverage otherwise.

last_modified LastModifiedFilter

[optional] If set, will further filter returned objects by the last modified time.


seismic Identifier

Specifies a seismic object.

seismic_store_id int64

Specifies a seismic store. Requires ALL scope.

polygon com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

Traces will be contained within the polygon.

lines com.cognite.seismic.LineBasedRectangle

Deprecated**. Traces will be contained within the rectangle. Only valid if the queried object is 3D.

two_dee_extent Seismic2dExtent

Traces will be contained within the extent. Only valid if the queried object is 2D.

three_dee_extent Seismic3dExtent

Traces will be contained within the extent. Only valid if the queried object is 3D

skip_message_count int32

[optional] Skips the first *n* chunks of the download. Useful for resuming aborted downloads. Defaults to 0.

trace_group_filter SeismicTraceGroupExtent

[optional] Select which traces to return within each ensemble. Only valid if the queried object is pre-stack.


content bytes

Some bytes of the resulting Seg-Y file.


seismic Identifier

The identifier of the Seismic object to stream traces from

seismic_store_id int64

The id of the Seismicstore to stream traces from. Requires ALL scope.

two_dee_extent Seismic2dExtent

Filters traces by 2D header ranges. Only valid if the queried object is 2D.

three_dee_extent Seismic3dExtent

Filters traces by 3D header ranges. Only valid if the queried object is 3D.

geometry GeometryFilter

Filters traces by geometry. If the geometry is a polygon, traces will be contained within the geometry. If the geometry is a line or a linestring, the traces will be interpolated traces onto the line.

z_range com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] Which depth indices to return as part of the traces. Defaults to the entire depth.

include_trace_header bool

[optional] Whether to include the binary trace header in the streamed traces. Defaults to false.

trace_group_filter SeismicTraceGroupExtent

[optional] Which traces to return within each ensemble. Only valid if the queried object is pre-stack.


trace_size_bytes int32

The size in bytes of one Trace message

num_traces int32

The number of traces to be returned

sample_count int32

The number of samples per trace

crs string

CRS of the returned trace coordinates

z_range com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

The actual range of z values returned

three_dee_bounds LineRange

Three-dimensional bounds for the case when the seismic object is 3D

two_dee_bounds TwoDeeBounds

Two-dimensional bounds for the case when the seismic object is 2D

cdp_trace_bounds com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

Null for post-stack data


requested_bounds Seismic2dRange

A range bounding the trace header values of the returned traces, using the trace key specified in the extent (if any), or CDP if no extent was specified

cdp_bounds com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

A range bounding the CDP numbers of the returned traces


file Identifier

[required] The file to unregister



trace_size_bytes int32

The size in bytes of one Trace message

num_traces int32

The number of traces to be returned

sample_count int32

The number of samples per trace

crs string

CRS of the returned trace coordinates

bounds LineBasedVolume

Upper and lower bounds and step sizes in each direction for the returned traces. Null if the result is empty. The iline and xline fields will be null for a line-like geometry.



seismic Identifier

The unique identifier for a seismic object.

seismic_store_id int64

The unique ID for a seismic store. Requires ALL scope.

volume LineBasedVolume

Retrieves traces by lines.

geometry GeometryBasedVolume

Retrieves traces within a geometry.

include_trace_header bool

[optional] Whether to include trace headers. Defaults to false.



Messages that describe data types used by Seismic Datastore in Cognite Data Fusion


A representation of binary headers used to create or edit existing headers. BinaryHeader FIELDS contains the list of valid fields. to set after the object is constructed.

file_id string

Deprecated**: This field will always be empty

traces int32

trace_data_type int32

fixed_length_traces int32

segy_revision int32

auxtraces int32

interval int32

interval_original int32

samples int32

samples_original int32

ensemble_fold int32

vertical_sum int32

trace_type_sorting_code int32

sweep_type_code int32

sweep_frequency_start int32

sweep_frequency_end int32

sweep_length int32

sweep_channel int32

sweep_taper_start int32

sweep_taper_end int32

sweep_taper_type int32

correlated_traces int32

amplitude_recovery int32

original_measurement_system int32

impulse_signal_polarity int32

vibratory_polarity_code int32

raw_header bytes


Describes a coordinate pair in some coordinate system.

x float

The x value of the coordinate

y float

The y value of the coordinate


Specifies how to return a coverage.

crs string

[optional] Which CRS to return the coverage in. Defaults to the native CRS of the object.

format CoverageSpec.Format

[optional] Which format to return the coverage as. Defaults to WKT.


Specify an individual filter.

key_value_exact_match KeyValueExactMatch

Match on an exact key-value pair. Both the key and the value must exactly match.


geometry com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

interpolation_method com.cognite.seismic.InterpolationMethod

Only used for linear geometries in 3D


Used to identify zero or one objects by a unique id.

id int64

Identifies an object by internal id.

external_id string

Identifies an object by external id.


A key-value pair exact match filter

key string

The key to match on.

value string


The last modified timestamp range to search by.

Returned objects will satisfy all specified arguments.

before google.protobuf.Timestamp

[optional] All returned objects will have a last_modified before this timestamp.

after google.protobuf.Timestamp

[optional] All returned objects will have a last_modified after this timestamp.


extents TraceExtent repeated


Describes a volume by line ranges.

iline com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] The inline range. Defaults to the entire inline range, depending on context.

xline com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] The crossline range. Defaults to the entire crossline range, depending on context.

z com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] The depth range. Defaults to the entire depth range, depending on context.


Describe a line range.

inline com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] The inline range. Defaults to the entire inline range, depending on context.

crossline com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

[optional] The crossline range. Defaults to the entire crossline range, depending on context.


Specifies a set of metadata filters. An object will be considered a match if it satisfies ALL filters.

All strings are case sensitive.

filters Filter repeated

The list of metadata filters.


A set of points, described as one or more line descriptors.

ranges com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor repeated


Used in edit messages to distinguish between an empty map and a missing map.

data OptionalMap.DataEntry repeated

The contents of the map.


key string

value string


Represents partitions, used for granular access control

id int64

The unique internal id for this partition.

external_id string

The external id of the partition

name string

A short description of this partition

seismics Seismic repeated

Deprecated**: This field will always be empty. Use seismic search by partition instead.

seismic_ids int64 repeated

If specified, the list of ids of seismics that belong to this partition.

last_modified google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last time this object was created or edited.


Used to identify any number of objects, intended for plural Read or Search-type endpoints.

Can search by id, name, or prefix.

id int64

Searches by integer id.

id_string string

Searches surveys and files by string-format uuid. This is not a valid way to search other objects.

external_id string

Searches seismics and seismic stores by an exact match of external id.

external_id_substring string

Searches seismics and seismic stores by a substring match of external id.

name string

Searchs any object by an exact match of name.

name_substring string

Searches any object by a substring match of name.

metadata MetadataFilter

Searches surveys by metadata.

geometry com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

Searches surveys by intersection with geometry.


Metadata related to interpreting SEG-Y files.

inline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the inline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 189 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

crossline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the crossline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 193 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_x_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the X coordinate of ensemble (CDP) in trace headers. Defaults to 181 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_y_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the Y coordinate of ensemble (CDP) in trace headers. Defaults to 185 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_number_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the ensemble (CDP) number in trace headers. Defaults to 21 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

energy_source_point_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the energy source point in trace headers. Defaults to 17 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

shotpoint_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the shotpoint field in trace headers. Defaults to 197 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_trace_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the trace number within ensemble. Defaults to 21 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification.

offset_header_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Position of the 'offset' field in the trace header. Defaults to 37 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification.

source_group_scalar_override google.protobuf.FloatValue

[optional] Multiplier for CDP-X and CDP-Y values that overrides the scalar factor obtained from the trace header. Note that this is a floating point multiplier used directly to scale CDP-X and CDP-Y values, and it is not interpreted in the way that the "source group scalar trace header field" in the SEG-Y specification is. In other words, to divide by 100 you must specify 0.01, not -100. Negative values and values greater than 1 are not permitted. To remove the override from a file where an override has previously been set, set the source_group_scalar_override to 0 or NaN. The next ingestion process for that file will then use the source group scalar values found in trace headers.


A cutout of a seismic store

id int64

The unique internal id of the seismic. It is always present.

external_id string

The external id of the seismic

name string

A non-unique name for the seismic. It is easily editable and is intended to be used as a human-friendly reference.

crs string

The Coordinate Reference System of the seismic

metadata Seismic.MetadataEntry repeated

Any custom-defined metadata

text_header TextHeader

The text header that corresponds to the seismic

binary_header BinaryHeader

The binary header that corresponds to the seismic

line_range LineRange

Deprecated**: Use the GetTraceBounds API call instead.

volume_def VolumeDef

Deprecated**: The VolumeDef describing the seismic. Use extents instead.

cutout SeismicCutout

The cutout the seismic object was created with.

extent SeismicExtent

A description of the traces contained in the seismic.

partition_id int64

The id of the partition the seismic belongs to.

seismicstore_id int64

The id of the seismicstore the seismic is derived from. It is present only if you have READ access and ALL scope.

coverage com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

The coverage geometry for the seismic.

created_empty bool

Deprecated**. Whether this seismic was created empty. Use the `cutout` field instead.

trace_count int64

An estimate of the number of traces contained within the seismic.

trace_header_fields TraceHeaderField repeated

The trace header fields that have been registered as keys for indexing. This will always match the trace header fields registered for the underlying seismic store.

dimensions Dimensions

The underlying file's data dimensionality, either 2D or 3D This will always match the dimensionality for the underlying seismic store.

last_modified google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last time this object was created or edited.

seismic_data_type SeismicDataType

Whether this seismic object contains pre-stack or post-stack data.


key string

value string


Describes the extent of a 2d seismic object.

trace_key TraceHeaderField

Must be an applicable field for 2D

trace_ranges com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor repeated

Range of header values to use


trace_key TraceHeaderField

Must be an applicable field for 2D

trace_range com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor


A enumeration of inline/crossline coordinates.

major_header TraceHeaderField

Whether `inline` or `crossline` is the first coordinate.

minor_header TraceHeaderField

Whether `inline` or `crossline` is the second coordinate. Must be different to `major_header`.

lines Seismic3dDef.LinesEntry repeated

The set of included coordinates. The key is `major_header` and values are `minor_header`.


key int32

value MinorLines


Describes the extent of a 3d seismic object.

rects Seismic3dRects

An extent described as a set of rectangles.

def Seismic3dDef

An extent described by an enumeration of inline/crossline pairs.


A single rectangle described by a stepped inline and crossline.

inline_range com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor

xline_range com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor


A set of rectangles, the union of which describes the extent.

rects Seismic3dRect repeated

The rectangles that compose the extent.


Describes a cutout for a seismic.

two_dee_extent Seismic2dExtent

Indicates that the seismic was created with this 2D extent.

three_dee_extent Seismic3dExtent

Indicates that the seismic was created with this 3D extent (or an equivalent VolumeDef).

geometry com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

Indicates that the seismic was created with this geometry.

empty bool

Indicates that the seismic was created empty.

full bool

Indicates that the seismic was created to cover the entire seismicstore.


Describes the extent of a seismic object.

two_dee_extent Seismic2dExtent

A two dimensional extent.

three_dee_extent Seismic3dExtent

A three dimensional extent.


Represents a seismic store.

id int64

The unique internal id of the seismic store

name string

The unique name of the seismic store. This will become non-unique in the future, and `external_id` will be the only unique string-based identifier for seismic stores.

survey_id string

The uuid of the survey this seismic store belongs to.

survey_id_int int64

The integer id of the survey this seismic store belongs to.

ingestion_source com.cognite.seismic.IngestionSource

The source of the seismicstore. It indicates how the file was ingested

metadata SeismicStore.MetadataEntry repeated

Custom-defined metadata.

ingested_file com.cognite.seismic.File

Deprecated**. Same as `ingested_source_file`.

ingested_source_file SourceSegyFile

If present, the file this SeismicStore was ingested from.

inline_volume_def VolumeDef

Deprecated**: Volume definition for the store, indexed on inlines. Maps from an inline to all of its valid crosslines. Use extents instead.

crossline_volume_def VolumeDef

Deprecated**: Volume definition for the store, indexed on crosslines. Maps from a crossline to all of its valid inlines. Use extents instead.

extent SeismicExtent

Description of the traces contained in the seismicstore.

text_header TextHeader

If present, the text header for this seismic store.

binary_header BinaryHeader

If present, the binary header for this seismic store.

storage_tier_name string repeated

Tenant specific name for the storage facility the trace data are stored in. If empty, it is stored in an unspecified trace store. While support for multiple storage backends per store is planned, this is not currently offered.

coverage com.cognite.seismic.Geometry

If present, the coverage geometry for this seismic store.

trace_header_fields TraceHeaderField repeated

The trace header fields that have been registered as keys for indexing.

dimensions Dimensions

The underlying file's data dimensionality, either 2D or 3D.

crs string

The coordinate reference system used by this seismicstore.

last_modified google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last time this object was created or edited.

seismic_data_type SeismicDataType

Whether this seismic store contains pre-stack or post-stack data.


key string

value string


group_header TraceHeaderField

The trace header to differentiate between prestack migrated traces in the same bin

lines SeismicTraceGroupLines


lines com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor repeated


Metadata about a SEG-Y file registered for ingestion.

Trace data for the file after ingestion is available via the corresponding seismic store object.

uuid string

A unique string id.

id int64

A unique numerical id.

external_id com.cognite.seismic.ExternalId

A unique external id.

name string

The name of the file

cloud_storage_path string

The cloud storage path including protocol, bucket, directory structure, and file name. Usually in format gs://path/to/file/some_name.sgy

metadata SourceSegyFile.MetadataEntry repeated

Associated key-value metadata.

segy_overrides SegyOverrides

Overrides for various Seg-Y options.

key_fields TraceHeaderField repeated

The trace header fields that will be used as keys for indexing.

dimensions Dimensions

File data dimensionality, either 2D or 3D

crs string

The coordinate reference system used by this file

survey_id int64

The integer id of the survey this file is contained in

last_modified google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last time this object was created or edited.

seismic_data_type SeismicDataType

Whether this file contains pre-stack or post-stack data.


key string

value string


Representation of the data for a survey

id string

The unique uuid for the survey in CDF. The identifier is generated by CDF on creation and not editable.

id_int int64

The unique integer ID for the survey. This ID should be used for V1 survey operations.

name string

Survey name: Should be a short but recognizable name for the survey. Must be unique within a single CDF tenant, and may be used to refer to the survey in API calls.

metadata Survey.MetadataEntry repeated

Metadata describing the survey with named fields and values. @exclude TODO: Augment surveys with a predefined set of fields giving a predictable metadata model and better integration with Discover.

external_id com.cognite.seismic.ExternalId

External identifier of the survey. The value of this field must be unique among all the surveys in the CDF tenant. It may be used for correlating with systems outside CDF, and for search and retrieval operations later.

crs string

Coordinate reference system to be used by all members of this survey

grid_transformation com.cognite.seismic.SurveyGridTransformation

A manually specified affine transformation between bin grid coordinates and projected crs coordinates, either using an origin point and the azimuth of the xline axis (P6Transformation), or by specifying three or more corners of the grid as a list of DoubleTraceCoordinates. This transformation must be valid for all members of this survey.

custom_coverage com.cognite.seismic.CustomSurveyCoverage

A user-provided coverage override

last_modified google.protobuf.Timestamp

The last time this object was created or edited.


key string

value string


A representation of text headers used to create or edit existing headers.

file_id string

Deprecated**: This field will always be empty

header string

The text content of the header

raw_header string

The raw bytes of a header as a string


xline int32

iline int32

z com.cognite.seismic.LineDescriptor


Deprecated**: VolumeDef is a simple, versioned, flexible format for describing which grid points of a seismic volume contain data.

The grid is described per line. Each line contains a series of descriptors that specify the points on the axis perpendicular to the line.

For example, a volumedef that is indexed as inline-major will use inline numbers as keys in the lines object, and have descriptors with crossline numbers.

For more information refer to the SDK docs.

json string

Uses the Volume Definition schema





Used to specify dimensionality of a seismic object.





The type of seismic data.






Used as the default when a specific source isn't requested by the user.


Requesting or returning custom coverage


Requesting or returning calculated coverage


Enumeration of possible trace header fields used for indexing seismic objects.



Valid for 2d seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 17-20 of standard trace header: energy source point number.


Valid for 2d seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 21-24 of standard trace header: ensemble number.


Valid for 3d seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 189-192 of standard trace header: inline number.


Valid for 3d seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 193-196 of standard trace header: crossline number.


Valid for 2d seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 197-202 of standard trace header: shotpoint number.


Valid for pre-stack seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 25-28 of standard trace header: trace number within ensemble


Valid for pre-stack seismic objects. Corresponds to bytes 37-40 of standard trace header: distance from center of source point to the center of receiver group.



Messages for types used in ingestion and query services in Seismic Datastore in Cognite Data Fusion


crs string

A coordinate reference system specified as a full EPSG code, for example "EPSG:4326".


Basic type representing (x,y) coordinate in the given coordinate reference system (CRS).

crs string

The CRS of the coordinate. Must be a full EPSG code, for example `EPSG:23031`.

x float

The x value of the coordinate

y float

The y value of the coordinate


Deprecated**: use [`CoverageSpec`](#coveragespec) instead. Parameters for requesting coverage of survey

crs CRS

[optional] If CRS provided converts coverage to given CRS. Otherwise, will return in the survey's original CRS

in_wkt bool

[optional] Whether to use WKT format in the response. Defaults to false, returning GeoJSON.


Customer-provided custom coverage for surveys.

custom_coverage Geometry

Overrides survey coverage with the provided custom coverage geometry

no_custom_coverage CustomSurveyCoverage.NoCustomCoverage

No custom coverage is provided. Survey coverage will be computed from the seismicstores contained in the survey.



Have the seismic service try to deduce the affine transformation for each file by

reading trace coordinates


Correlated grid indices and coordinates

iline int32

The inline number. Within a 3D survey, a inline represents a seismic line parallel to the direction in which the data was adquired.

xline int32

The xline number. Within a 3D survey, a xline represents a seismic line perpendicular to the direction in which the data was adquired.

x float

The x value of the coordinate

y float

The y value of the coordinate


An external ID.

external_id string


Deprecated**. File or dataset or cube derived from a single SEG-Y file

id string

name string

metadata File.MetadataEntry repeated

is_temporary bool

external_id ExternalId


key string

value string


The GeoJSON format (RFC 7946)

Supported geometry: Point, MultiPoint, LineString, MultiLineString, Polygon, MultiPolygon, and GeometryCollection.



"type": "Point",

"coordinates": [100.0, 0.0]


json google.protobuf.Struct


Geometry can be specified using either wkt or geoJSON. CRS is always required.

crs CRS

[required] The CRS of the geometry.

wkt Wkt

A wkt format geometry.

geo GeoJson

A GeoJSON format geometry.


Deprecated**. Specify either id or name to find a file or survey.

id string

name string


Deprecated**. Range of inline and crossline indices defining a 2D region

top_left PositionQuery

bottom_right PositionQuery


Describes a series of points.

The first point is `min`, the next point is `min+step`, the point after that is `min+step*2`, and so on.

None of the points will be greater than `max`.

min google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] The first element of the line. Defaults to the minimum value, depending on context.

max google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] The maximum value of a point on the line. Defaults to the maximum value, depending on context.

step google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] The 'step' of the line. Defaults to 1.


Object to store the line range. From and to are optional

from_line google.protobuf.Int32Value

to_line google.protobuf.Int32Value


Deprecated**. Specifies an inline or a crossline

iline int32

The inline number. Within a 3D survey, a inline represents a seismic line parallel to the direction in which the data was adquired.

xline int32

The xline number. Within a 3D survey, a xline represents a seismic line perpendicular to the direction in which the data was adquired.


Specify the transformation by an origin point and the crossline azimuth

Format inspired by IOGP guidance note 373-7-2 section

handedness Handedness

origin DoubleTraceCoordinates

A point in the grid

iline_bin_width float

The bin width along the inline axis

xline_bin_width float

The bin width along the crossline axis

xline_azimuth float

Map bearing of the crossline axis in clockwise degrees from north

iline_bin_inc int32

Inline increment corresponding to a bin

xline_bin_inc int32

Crossline increment corresponding to a bin


Deprecated**. Point defined by its inline and crossline indices

iline int32

The inline number. Within a 3D survey, a inline represents a seismic line parallel to the direction in which the data was adquired.

xline int32

The xline number. Within a 3D survey, a xline represents a seismic line perpendicular to the direction in which the data was adquired.



id string

alias string


Deprecated**. Wrapper over Trace type that additionally provide information about the range of z values

included in the trace.

trace Trace

z_from int32

z_to int32


Deprecated**. Basic type to represent a point in a surface defined by a horizontal grid

Used in horizontal slice queries

iline int32

The inline number. Within a 3D survey, a inline represents a seismic line parallel to the direction in which the data was adquired.

xline int32

The xline number. Within a 3D survey, a xline represents a seismic line perpendicular to the direction in which the data was adquired.

value float


Deprecated**. A survey represents a collection of files in the same area

id string

Survey ID

name string

Survey name

metadata Survey.MetadataEntry repeated

external_id ExternalId

Survey external ID

crs CRS

The Coordinate Reference System of the survey

grid_transformation SurveyGridTransformation

custom_coverage CustomSurveyCoverage


key string

value string


Specify the affine transformation between line indices and coordinates

p6_transformation P6Transformation

trace_corners TraceCorners

deduce_from_traces DeduceFromTraces


Basic type to represent a seismic trace

Used in trace, vertical slices and volume queries

Contains the samples and information on positioning

If a trace is an original trace in the file, it can optionally contain the trace header.

This is not valid for traces that are synthetically generated from interpolation.

trace_header bytes

The binary SEGY trace header, if requested.

iline google.protobuf.Int32Value

The inline number. Only populated for 3D seismics.

xline google.protobuf.Int32Value

The xline number. Only populated for 3D seismics.

cdp google.protobuf.Int32Value

The cdp number. Only populated for 2D seismics indexed by cdp.

shotpoint google.protobuf.Int32Value

The shotpoint number. Only populated for 2D seismics indexed by shotpoint.

energy_source_point google.protobuf.Int32Value

The energy source point number. Only populated for 2D seismics indexed by energy source point.

cdp_trace google.protobuf.Int32Value

The cdp trace number. Only populated for prestack-migrated seismics indexed by cdp_trace.

offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

The offset number. Only populated for prestack-migrated seismics indexed by offset.

trace float repeated

The underlying array of floats representing samples

coordinate Coordinate

The CDP X and Y coordinates of the trace.


Specify the transformation by giving the coordinates of three or more corners

corners DoubleTraceCoordinates repeated


Well-known text representation of geometry (WKT)

geometry string














inline axis is 90 deg clockwise from crossline AKA EPSG code 9666


inline axis is 90 deg counterclockwise from crossline AKA EPSG code 1049











Default value for the enum.


The job is in the queue but has not been worked on.


The job is being processed.


The job has terminated correctly.


The job has failed.


The job took too long and has timed out. No more work will be done on the job.




Service for querying data and metadata from seismic files in Cognite Data Fusion

(CDF) seismic datastore We use the word `File` to refer to a single seismic

file/dataset/cube. Queries on a file require it to have been previously ingested

into CDF using (ingest_service.proto)

Queries are divided in:

- Metadata:

General information and headers for surveys and files

- Geometry and grid:

Information on a file's grid and positioning, such as coverage and range of

inlines and crosslines

- Trace:

Find a single trace in the file. A trace will include header, position

information and samples. More details about the trace format can be found on its

definition in (types.proto)

- Vertical slice:

Get 2D vertical slices of samples (thus 1D arrays of traces). The slices can

be based on a single defined line or in an arbitrarily defined line with


- Area:

Get 3D volumes of samples (thus 2D arrays of traces) defined by a region in

the horizontal plane

- Horizontal slice:

Get 2D horizontal slices of samples defined by a region in the horizontal

plane and a specific index in depth/time

- Artificial sampling:

Get the (calculated/interpolated) values of properties in the file/cube

given arbitrary positions

Metadata queries

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
GetSurvey SurveyQueryRequest GetSurveyResponse

Finds one survey given its name or id. Optionally, lists its associated files.

ListSurveys ListSurveysQueryRequest SurveyWithFilesResponse

Lists all surveys owned by this project. Optionally, includes their lists of files.

ListFiles .google.protobuf.Empty ListFilesResponse

Lists all files available, both owned by the authorized CDF project and shared with it

SearchSurveys SearchSurveyRequest SurveyWithFilesResponse

Search surveys based on two criteria: 1. Coverage polygon of files in the survey are within an area delimited by a specified polygon 2. Filters on metadata of both the survey and the file. Both criteria are optional and can be combined for a more detailed search.

GetFile FileQueryRequest GetFileResponse

Returns file metadata given its name or id.

GetBinaryHeader HeaderFileQueryRequest GetBinaryHeaderResponse

Returns a binary header given its file name or id.

GetTextHeader HeaderFileQueryRequest GetTextHeaderResponse

Returns a text header given its file name or id.

GetFileDataCoverage FileCoverageRequest DataCoverageResponse

Returns the coverage for a given file identified by its id or name. The coverage is represented by a polygon either in WKT or geojson and represents the area covered by traces in the file. There can be holes in the polygon if traces do not exist in an area inside of it. DEPRECATE in favor of Geospatial APIs.

GetFileLineRange FileQueryRequest LineRangeResponse

Returns the full range of the inlines and crosslines in the file, i.e. the minimum and maximum inline and crossline

GetCrosslinesByInline FileLineQueryRequest AvailableLines

Returns the set of valid crossline indices for a specific inline, in a given file DEPRECATE: Move to GetFileLineRange.

GetInlinesByCrossline FileLineQueryRequest AvailableLines

Returns the set of valid inline indices for a specific crossline, in a given file DEPRECATE: Move to GetFileLineRange.

GetTraceByCoordinates CoordinateTraceQueryRequest Trace

Returns the trace in a file that is closest to a point given its coordinates (x,y)

GetTracesByLine LineTraceQueryRequest stream Trace stream

Returns a trace for each coordinate (inline, xline) from the input stream

GetSliceByLine LineSliceQueryRequest Trace stream

Returns all or a subset of traces in a slice (inline or crossline) given its index (and optionally from/to) DEPRECATED, use GetVolume instead.

GetSliceByGeometry GeometrySliceQueryRequest Trace stream

Returns a slice with traces following a path determined by an arbitrary line. Depending on interpolating method, these can be either real traces in the file that are closest to the path or synthetic traces generated by interpolation of the traces in the file.

GetCubeByLines LineCubeRequest Trace stream

Returns a volume with all traces inside a given range of inlines and a given range of crosslines DEPRECATED, use GetVolume instead.

GetCubeByGeometry GeometryCubeRequest Trace stream

Returns a volume with all traces with x, y coordinates inside an arbitrary 2D polygon

GetSegYFile SegYQueryRequest SegYQueryResponse stream

Returns a SEG-Y file. Can retrieve a full file or create a new cropped file filtering on areas of interest only. DEPRECATED, to be replaced with a command line tool or an SDK method for constructing a SEG-Y file by calling GetVolume

GetSlabByLines LineSlabRequest SlabTrace stream

Returns a seismic slab by either horizon or constant depth and area constrained by a range of inlines and crosslines

GetTimeSliceByGeometry GeometryTimeSliceQueryRequest SurfacePoint stream

Returns a horizontal slice for a given depth or time and area constrained by an arbitrary 2D polygon

GetVolume VolumeRequest Trace stream

Volume queries




Service for ingestion and metadata updates of SEG-Y files into Cognite Data Fusion (CDF) seismic datastore

We use the word `File` to refer to a single seismic file/dataset/cube

Surveys can have many files attached to them, with different attributes or processing stages, and every file must

belong to a survey

The expected order of ingestion is:

1) Register a survey, if it does not exist

2) Register a file

Files are expected to be previously uploaded to a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket at this point, and the service needs

permission to this bucket in the form of a service account.

The RegisterFile endpoint will request the survey name or id, bucket address and the CRS used in this file

(e.g.: EDM50, WGS84), so be sure to have this information prior at hand.

3) Ingest the file

If the RegisterFile endpoint completes successfully, and your file is found in the bucket, you can now send a request to

the IngestFile endpoint, and an asynchronous process will be started remotely to download and process the file.

You can verify the status of this process by calling the Status endpoint with the id returned in the IngestFile endpoint

As soon as the status of the processing job is set to complete, data from the file will be available with the query service

When a file is registered in a CDF project, this project owns the file. It is then allowed to share access with other

CDF projects

Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
RegisterSurvey RegisterSurveyRequest RegisterSurveyResponse

Registers a new survey.

RegisterFile RegisterFileRequest RegisterFileResponse

Registers a new file in a (previously registered) survey.

IngestFile IngestFileRequest IngestFileResponse

Sends a request for the ingestion of a registered file into the queue. Will return a job id which can be queried for status.

Status StatusRequest StatusResponse

Retrieves the status of an ingestion job.

DeleteFile DeleteFileRequest .google.protobuf.Empty

Deletes a file

DeleteSurvey DeleteSurveyRequest .google.protobuf.Empty

Deletes a survey

EditFile EditFileRequest EditFileResponse

Updates file metadata

EditSurvey EditSurveyRequest EditSurveyResponse

Updates survey metadata

ListFileAccess ListFileAccessRequest ProjectListResponse

List projects that have access to a specific file. Only users in the CDF project that owns the file have access to this method DEPRECATED - multitenant file sharing is not supported anymore

EditFileAccess EditFileAccessRequest .google.protobuf.Empty

Add or remove access to a file for CDF projects Only users in the CDF project that owns the file have access to this method DEPRECATED - multitenant file sharing is not supported anymore

StoreTrace StoreTraceRequest .google.protobuf.Empty

Store a single trace to synthetic file/volume



Messages from the query service of Seismic Datastore in Cognite Data Fusion


lines int32 repeated


file_id string

DEPRECATED: This field will always be empty

traces int32

trace_data_type int32

fixed_length_traces int32

segy_revision int32

auxtraces int32

interval int32

interval_original int32

samples int32

samples_original int32

ensemble_fold int32

vertical_sum int32

trace_type_sorting_code int32

sweep_type_code int32

sweep_frequency_start int32

sweep_frequency_end int32

sweep_length int32

sweep_channel int32

sweep_taper_start int32

sweep_taper_end int32

sweep_taper_type int32

correlated_traces int32

amplitude_recovery int32

original_measurement_system int32

impulse_signal_polarity int32

vibratory_polarity_code int32

raw_header bytes


Point defined by its x and y coordinates

x float

y float


Request a single trace from a file by coordinates (x AND y). If x and y don't fall in the coordinates of a trace,

will return the closest trace to it.

file Identifier

coordinates CoordinateQuery

max_radius float

only return traces if closer than this to the actual point in the file

include_trace_header bool


polygon Geometry


file Identifier

name or id of the file

crs CRS

[optional] If CRS provided converts coverage to given CRS. Otherwise, will return in the file's original CRS

in_wkt bool

set this to true to return in WKT format. Otherwise, response will be in geojson format by default


file Identifier

name or id of the file

line int32

number of the selected inline or crossline in the file


file Identifier

name or id of the file


Request a volume of traces from a file with coordinates inside an arbitrary polygon

file Identifier

geometry Geometry

include_trace_header bool


Request a slice of traces from a file by coordinates of start and end of an arbitrary line

file Identifier

arbitrary_line Geometry

interpolation_method InterpolationMethod


Request a time slice from a file and filter by coordinates inside an arbitrary polygon

file Identifier

geometry Geometry

z google.protobuf.Int32Value

either time or depth according to the file


meta BinaryHeader


file File

crs string

path string

survey_name string

last_step string

inline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

crossline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

cdp_x_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

cdp_y_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

source_group_scalar_override google.protobuf.FloatValue


survey Survey

files File repeated

polygon Geometry


meta TextHeader


file Identifier

name or id of the file

include_raw_header bool

set to true to include the raw header in the response (default: false)


key string

value string


Range of inline, crossline and time indices defining a volume

iline LineDescriptor

xline LineDescriptor

z LineDescriptor


Request a volume of traces from a file by range of inlines and crosslines

file Identifier

rectangle LineBasedRectangle

include_trace_header bool


inline LineDescriptor

xline LineDescriptor

trace_value_range TraceValueRange

trace_sample_count google.protobuf.Int32Value


Request a volume below and above a time slice from a file and filter by range of inlines and crosslines

file Identifier

rectangle LineBasedRectangle

constant int32

surface Surface

n_above google.protobuf.Int32Value

n_below google.protobuf.Int32Value


Request a slice of traces from a file by index (inline OR crossline), and optionally specify min and max range

file Identifier

line LineSelect

include_trace_header bool

range LineRange


Request a single trace from a file by index (inline AND crossline)

file Identifier

position PositionQuery

include_trace_header bool

include_trace_coordinates bool

include_trace_data bool


files File repeated


list_files bool

set to true to list the survey files in the response (default: false)

include_metadata bool

set to true to include metadata in the response (default: false)

include_grid_transformation bool

set to true to include the grid transformation in the response, if available (default: false)

include_custom_coverage bool

set to true to include the custom survey coverage in the response, if available (default: false)


filter MetadataFilter.FilterEntry repeated


key string

value string


survey Identifier

name or id of the survey


Request a pseudo-trace (sequence of values) representing the values for the described path in a file

file Identifier

geometry Geometry

include_trace_header bool


Request to search surveys inside a polygon or by metadata

polygon Geometry

survey_metadata MetadataFilter

file_metadata MetadataFilter

include_metadata bool

include_grid_transformation bool

include_custom_coverage bool


Filter the area included in the SEGY file by a polygon defined either by spatial coordinates

or by a set of inline and crossline indices

file Identifier

polygon Geometry

lines LineBasedRectangle


content bytes


Range of z_values to use in time/depth slice queries

z_values int32 repeated


survey Identifier

name or id of the survey

list_files bool

set to true to list the survey files in the response (default: false)

include_metadata bool

set to true to include metadata in the response (default: false)

include_coverage CoverageParameters

set this field to include coverage in the response (default: false)

include_grid_transformation bool

set to true to include the grid transformation in the response, if available (default: false)

include_custom_coverage bool

set to true to include the custom survey coverage in the response, if available (default: false)


id string

name string

metadata SurveyWithFiles.MetadataEntry repeated

files File repeated

external_id ExternalId

crs CRS

grid_transformation SurveyGridTransformation

custom_coverage CustomSurveyCoverage


key string

value string


surveys SurveyWithFiles repeated


file_id string

DEPRECATED: This field will always be empty

header string

raw_header string


The minimum and maximum values of all traces in a specific file

min_value float

max_value float


Request a volume from a file by range of inlines, crosslines and time

file Identifier

volume LineBasedVolume

include_trace_header bool



Messages from the ingestion service of Seismic Datastore in Cognite Data Fusion



{"file": {"id": "97305892-d622-4425-8530-3029b740842e"} }

file Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a file previously registered with /RegisterFile

keep_registered bool

If set to true, will delete contents of file (undo the ingestion), but keep the file registered. If set to false, will completely remove the file from database. If no option is set, default is false



{"survey": {"name": "survey_name"} }

survey Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a survey previously registered with /RegisterSurvey


file Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a file

project Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a project

add bool

If neither add or remove are set, or if both are set to true, add will be assumed Add project access to this file

remove bool

Remove project access from this file



{"file": {"id": "97305892-d622-4425-8530-3029b740842e"} }

file Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a file previously registered with /RegisterFile

path string

[optional] New path. Example: "gs://cognite-seismic-eu/samples/"

name string

[optional] New (unique) filename. Example: "DN1302M03R16_MERGED_KPSDM_00-32_DEG_T.sgy"

metadata EditFileRequest.MetadataEntry repeated

[optional] New metadata

crs CRS

[optional] Official name of the CRS used. Example: "EPSG:23031"

inline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Inline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 189 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

crossline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Crossline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 193 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_x_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] X coordinate of ensemble (CDP) position in trace headers. Defaults to 181 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_y_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Y coordinate of ensemble (CDP) position in trace headers. Defaults to 185 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

external_id ExternalId

[optional] An external identifier - matches service contract field

source_group_scalar_override google.protobuf.FloatValue

[optional] Multiplier for CDP-X and CDP-Y values, overrides scalar factor obtained from trace header. Note that this is a floating point multiplier used directly to scale CDP-X and CDP-Y values, and it is not interpreted in the manner of the source group scalar trace header field in the SEG-Y specification. That is: To divide by 100, specify 0.01, not -100. Negative values and values greater than 1 are not permitted. To remove the override from a file where an override has previously been set, set the source_group_scalar_override to 0 or NaN. The next ingestion processing of a file will then use the source group scalar values found in trace headers.


key string

value string


file File

path string

crs CRS

inline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Inline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 189 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

crossline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Crossline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 193 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_x_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] X coordinate of ensemble (CDP) position in trace headers. Defaults to 181 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_y_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Y coordinate of ensemble (CDP) position in trace headers. Defaults to 185 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

source_group_scalar_override google.protobuf.FloatValue

[optional] Multiplier for CDP-X and CDP-Y values, overrides scalar factor obtained from trace header



{"survey": {"id": "97305892-d622-4425-8530-3029b740842e"}, "name": "new name"}

survey Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a survey previously registered with /RegisterSurvey

name string

[optional] New name

metadata EditSurveyRequest.MetadataEntry repeated

[optional] New metadata

external_id ExternalId

[optional] External id matching service contract type

crs CRS

[optional] new CRS used by all members

grid_transformation SurveyGridTransformation

[optional] Affine transformation from grid bins to coordinates

custom_coverage CustomSurveyCoverage

[optional] Customer-provided custom survey coverage


key string

value string


survey Survey



{"file": {"name": "ABP16M03-FMIG-OBC-PSDM-FULL-STACK-T.MIG_FIN.POST_STACK..JS-021837.segy"} }

file Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a file previously registered with /RegisterFile

start_step FileStep

[optional] Selected step to start ingestion. Leave blank to start from last completed step. [Accepted values] 1 -- insert binary and text headers 2 -- insert trace headers 3 -- insert trace data 4 -- compute coverage polygon and additional metadata (trace count, valid lines, etc) 6 -- insert trace offset indices [Use cases] Usual ingestion: If the last successful step was 0 (REGISTER), the file will be fully ingested regardless of start_step Completing a failed ingestion: If the last successful step was 3 (INSERT_DATA), and no start step is selected, only coverage will be computed. Previously ingested headers and traces will be preserved in this case. Forcing reingestion: If start_step is 1 (INSERT_FILE_HEADERS), regardless of previous ingestion status, all headers and data will be deleted and the whole file will be forcefully reingested Forcing a single step to be rerun: If the file is ingested (last step is COMPUTE_COVERAGE), by using start_step = 4 (COMPUTE_COVERAGE), for example, only coverage will be computed while headers and traces will be preserved

target_storage_tier_name string

[optional as of 2020-11-01, will be required at some later time] Target storage tier for this file. If empty a bigtable-based storage will be used. A storage tier is a defined facility for storing the trace data associated with a seismic volume. The default storage facility is based on Cloud Bigtable, but it is also possible to leave trace data stored in SEG-Y files in Cloud Storage, only retaining a compact index of file data in fast storage to facilitate retrieval of data from Cloud Storage in a performant manner. [Accepted values] Accepted values are defined by the tenant configuration, and allow for optimizing tradeoffs between storage cost, retrieval performance, numeric precision and sampling. Note that currently only one storage tier per trace store is supported, so ingesting an already ingested file will result in the file's data being removed from the previously active storage tier.


job_id string

job id that can be used to query for status

file_id string


timestamp string

log_line string


file Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a file


project Project repeated




"survey": {"name": "surveyname"},


"path": "gs://cognite-seismic-eu/samples/from-diskos-disks",

"crs": { "crs": "EPSG:23031"}


survey Identifier

[required] Either name or id of a survey previously registered with /RegisterSurvey

path string

[required if file is not synthetic] Path including protocol, bucket and directory structure. Example: "gs://cognite-seismic-eu/samples/"

name string

[required] Unique filename including extension. Example: "DN1302M03R16_MERGED_KPSDM_00-32_DEG_T.sgy". The name must be unique across buckets and can be used to identify this file in query requests

metadata RegisterFileRequest.MetadataEntry repeated


crs CRS

[required] Official name of the CRS used. Example: "EPSG:23031"

is_temporary google.protobuf.BoolValue

[optional] tells whether file is temporary (writeable) or not. False by default

inline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Inline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 189 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

crossline_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Crossline number field in the trace headers. Defaults to 193 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_x_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] X coordinate of ensemble (CDP) position in trace headers. Defaults to 181 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

cdp_y_offset google.protobuf.Int32Value

[optional] Y coordinate of ensemble (CDP) position in trace headers. Defaults to 185 as per the SEG-Y rev1 specification

external_id ExternalId

[optional] An external identifier - matches service contract field

source_group_scalar_override google.protobuf.FloatValue

[optional] Multiplier for CDP-X and CDP-Y values, overrides scalar factor obtained from trace header. Must be in the range (0,1]. Note that this is a floating point multiplier used directly to scale CDP-X and CDP-Y values, and it is not interpreted in the manner of the source group scalar trace header field in the SEG-Y specification. That is: To divide by 100, specify 0.01, not -100. Negative values, 0 and values greater than 1 are not permitted when registering a file, although 0 may be used in the EditFile call to unset this field.


key string

value string


file File



{"name": "surveyname", "metadata": {"location": "underwater"}, "external_id": "surveyname-external" }

name string


metadata RegisterSurveyRequest.MetadataEntry repeated


external_id ExternalId


crs CRS

[optional] new CRS used by all members

grid_transformation SurveyGridTransformation

[optional] Affine transformation from grid bins to coordinates

custom_coverage CustomSurveyCoverage


key string

value string


survey Survey



{"job_id": "1e9a4f9b-7c15-44dd-bbbb-e9e9fb83e401"}

job_id string

file_id string

seismicstore_id int64


status JobStatus

message string

started_at string

updated_at string

logs IngestionLog repeated


file Identifier

iline int32

xline int32

x google.protobuf.Int32Value

y google.protobuf.Int32Value

trace float repeated

raw_header bytes

Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++JavaPythonGoC#PHPRuby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)