Namespace Cognite.Simulator.Utils
- BaseConfig
Base configuration object for simulators.
- CommonUtils
Common utility methods. May be useful when developing simulator connectors
- ConnectorBase<T>
Base class for simulator connectors. Implements heartbeat reporting. The connector information is stored in the simulator integration resource in CDF.
- ConnectorConfig
Represents the configuration for connectors. This defines basic connector properties such as name and intervals for status report and for fetching events
- ConnectorException
Represents errors related to the connector operation
- DefaultModelLibrary<TAutomationConfig, TModelStateBase, TModelStateBasePoco>
Default implementation of a model library for a simulator
- DefaultRoutineLibrary<TAutomationConfig>
A default instance of the routine library.
- ExtractionPipeline
This class can be used to link the connector to a extraction pipeline in CDF
- ExtractionPipelineExtensions
Extension methods for extraction pipelines
- FileState
Represents the state of a simulator file
- FileStatePoco
Data object that contains the state properties to be persisted by the state store. These properties are restored to the state on initialization
- FileStorageClient
HTTP client that can be used to download and upload files from/to a server
- LicenseCheckConfig
Configuration for license checks
- LoggerConfig
Logging configuration object
- LoggingExtensions
Extension utilities for logging
- ModelLibraryBase<A, T, U, V>
Represents a local model file library. It fetches simulator model files from CDF, save a local copy and process the model (extract information). This library only keeps the latest version of a given model file
- ModelLibraryConfig
Represents the configuration for a model library. Used to configure ModelLibraryBase<A, T, U, V> and derived classes
- ModelParsingInfo
Represents the information produced during model parsing. That is, when a model is downloaded, the connector will try to open the model with the simulator, extract information from the model and update that information in CDF (if necessary). The parsing info should capture information about this process (error, status, etc)
- ModelStateBase
This base class represents the state of a model file TODO: See if we can remove FileState completely and move all the variables into this class Jira:
- ModelStateBasePoco
Data object that contains the model state properties to be persisted by the state store. These properties are restored to the state on initialization
- NewConfigDetected
Exception used to restart connector
- PipelineNotificationConfig
Pipeline notification configuration. This states how many errors can happen in a time frame before notifying the extraction pipeline. Usually connectors can recover from intermittent errors, and this policy can reduce the number of times alerts are generated due to pipeline errors
- RemoteLogConfig
Configuration for remote logging (logs are stored in CDF)
- RoutineImplementationBase
Base implementation for simulation routines. This class parses routines of type CogniteSdk.Alpha.SimulatorRoutineRevision and calls the abstract methods that executes each step type.
- RoutineLibraryBase<V>
Represents a local routine revision library. It fetches all routine revisions from CDF and stores them in memory.
- RoutineLibraryConfig
Represents configuration for a local routine library. Used to configure RoutineLibraryBase<V>
- RoutineRunnerBase<A, T, V>
Simulation runner for simulation routine revision of type CogniteSdk.Alpha.SimulatorRoutineRevision
- ScheduledJob<V>
Represents a scheduled job for simulation.
- ScopedRemoteApiSink
Represents a sink for emitting log events to a remote API.
- SimulationException
Represents errors related to running simulations
- SimulationRoutineException
Represents a simulation routine error
- SimulationRunItem
Wrapper class for CogniteSdk.Alpha.SimulationRun entity. Contains the simulation run configuration as a dictionary of key-value pairs
- SimulationRunnerBase<A, T, V>
Represents the connector's simulation runner process. This base class can fetch simulation runs from CDF that are ready to run, validate them and find the time range to sample data where the process is in steady state.
- SimulationSchedulerBase<V>
This class implements a basic simulation scheduler. It runs a loop on a configurable interval. Each iteration, it checks the schedules for all configurations and determine if the simulation should be triggered. It is assumed that the simulator can only run one simulation at a time, and therefore there is no need to schedule parallel simulation runs. Alternatives to this implementation include libraries such as Quartz, but the added complexity of a full fledged scheduling library in not necessary at this point. Also, at some point scheduling the creation of CDF simulation runs should be done by a cloud service, instead of doing it in the connector.
- SimulationUtils
Collects utility methods used by the connector
- SimulatorConfig
Represents a simulator configuration, holding the simulator name and dataset id in CDF. Ideally, all the data related to the simulator should be in this dataset
- SimulatorLoggingUtils
Utility class for configuring simulator loggers. The logging framework used is Serilog. Loggers are created according to a LoggerConfig configuration object. Log messages contain UTC timestamps.
- StateUtils
Utility methods for managing state
- TimeManager
Default implementation of the time manager.
- IModelProvider<A, T>
Interface for libraries that can provide model information
- IRoutineProvider<V>
Interface for library that can provide routine configuration information
- ISimulatorClient<T, V>
Interface to be implemented by simulator integration clients that can execute simulation configuration of the type
- ITimeManager
A wrapper around the .NET Task.Delay method. This is useful for testing purposes, where the delay can be faked.
- ConnectorStatus
Connector status
- LicenseStatus
License status